Sunday, 26 May 2013

A Break At The Van

Finally after what seems an age we got to the van for a whole week.We had not too bad weather and Jake and Lexi as always really enjoyed themselves.As for me well I had a wonderful time out with Rhian and Blanik gang at the lake then out and about with Lexi and we even got to dog club.After not going for such a long time I wondered how Lexi would be !!!! well after her letting everyone know she'd arrived she settled and did quite well I was really proud of my little girl.Going out for lunch was so good and such a change for me and great to be with my good friends Rhian and Carrie who made my day special so thanks again I really enoyed it.Hopefully now we can get into a routine of van for a week and home for a week so see you all soon x


Tali said...

it was great to see you all xxx

carrie said...

u obviouysly found the same patch of mud as Asha. Great to have u all back with us again, and lunch WAS brilliuant. x